DOC Areas> Frascati DOC> Towns
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Villa Aldobrandini's Gardens
The design of these gardens is a rich example of the architecture of the 17th century.
It consists of terraces following the hill's slope and it alternates parts with geometrical shaped plants with wilder ones extending behind the palace with woods of cypresses and oaks.

The path of the garden's walks around the palace was elliptical while on its front there was a series of flower-beds around a square where once arrived the coaches. Nowadays there are the terraces with Italian flower-beds and huge planes. The paths flanked by balustrades with great vessels containing citrus plants and myrtles lead to the four great fountains, among which the major one has a front in Ionic style with a niche to sign the end of the straight entrance path.

Francesco d'Este wrote about it in 1601 " luogo per la bellezza del sito, per le fabbriche, per l'acque, per li giardini, per la diversità e bizzarria de' viali... è il più bello di quanti m'abbia mai veduti"

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